Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Barbie Hairtastic Color & Wash Salon from Mattel

See the full review at www.timetoplaymag.com With the Barbie Hairtastic Color & Wash Salon, girls can reenact the hair salon experience at home. This playset comes with a Barbie doll, a salon chair, towel, smock, brush, salon station and mirrors, and hair ties. There are also three Hair Markers in purple, pink, and blue that girls can use to color Barbie's hair. Once girls finish coloring, they can actually shampoo and rinse Barbie's hair at the real-working salon station. There are containers on the back of the salon station—one for shampoo (You can use your own shampoo or bubble solution.) and one for water. Press the button to make shampoo come out of the spigot. Turn the button and press it again to make water come out. The used shampoo and water drain into a reservoir tank underneath the sink.

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Saturday, December 10, 2011

How to Wash Your Lace Wig

!±8± How to Wash Your Lace Wig

Washing your lace wig unit is extremely important if you want it to last long and look good, while conditioning will give it a soft feel and a glimmering appeal. Your unit should be thoroughly washed and conditioned preferably once a week or once every two weeks to avoid excessive wear on the lace.

All you need to start with is a wide tooth comb and a mannequin or a foam wig head and you are on your way. Foam wig heads are more convenient to use as they are light weight and the wig can be secured onto it using pins.

First comb through the wig in straight strokes from the end of the hair and work your way up, this will remove tangles and knots.

Place the wig in the sink, still on the mannequin and saturate it with warm water.

Pour your shampoo into a spray bottle with water and spray the shampoo onto the hair instead of applying it directly.

Gently run your fingers through the wig and do not rub it into the unit as this will cause it to tangle.

Gently rinse the shampoo from the unit by placing under a stream of water and massaging it down towards toward the ends.

Your unit is now clean and is ready for conditioning. To condition, apply deep conditioner in the same manner as shampooing using a spray bottle. Allow the conditioner to work on the hair for about ten minutes.

Use luke warm water to rinse the conditioner out, never use hot water. Ensure that all residue has been removed thoroughly.

When you are sure that all the conditioner has been rinsed out, gently squeeze the hair to remove the water. This is to be done gradually and very careful to avoid tangling.

Use a soft absorbent hand towel or cloth to remove excess water. Do this slowly and thoroughly to ensure all the water is gone and you do not end up with a tangled mop of hair.

You can lay your unit on a dry towel to dry instead of hanging it to dry. Laying it out will preserve the shape of your unit. Do not use a hair dryer or any heat source to dry the wig as this will heat up the water on the unit and could damage the wig. Comb out any tangles using the wide tooth comb. After your unit is now dry, you can also use a flat iron or a curling tongs to style it to your preference.

How to Wash Your Lace Wig

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Friday, December 2, 2011

Olive Oil - Not Just For Food

!±8± Olive Oil - Not Just For Food

Here is something to go along with my article '10 Surprisingly Useful Uses for Vinegar'.

Olive oil has been around for centuries. It has been traced back to before 3500 BC. Olive oil has no cholesterol and has more monounsaturated fat than any other fat or oil in use, that's the good fat. Here are some other ways, aside from food, that I have found are great uses for olive oil.

1. Kitties - I love my cat. Her hacked up hairballs, um, not so much. Dry or moist, just a teaspoon added to the food and your kitty will have soft and shiny fur, and buh bye hairballs.

2. Tangles and Damage - I wish I had known this trick prior to beauty school. I may not have cut off my waist length hair. For tangles, just rub a bit into the tangle and comb out. I no longer have the need to buy the expensive detangler spray for my kidlets. Save some of that hard earned money in this recession by giving yourself a deep olive oil conditioner. No need to go pay + for a deep conditioner at a salon. Saturate your hair and scalp with olive oil, cover with a shower cap. Shampoo out 30 minutes later and viola! Have shiny, gorgeous hair that a model would envy. =)

3. Earaches - This one is tried and true. My momma used this one on me, but back then it was called 'sweet oil' and with 5 kids this little trick has saved me from many a night time trip to the ER. I put a cup of water in the microwave to get it hot. Put a couple of tablespoons of olive oil in a sandwich bag. Put the bag in the cup of water until the oil is warm. Drop the warm oil in the ear that is hurting, put in a cotton ball, and it holds the kids over until the doctor is open in the morning. =)

4. Skin Moisturizing - I have very dry sky. I have tried all types of lotions, from cheap to very expensive, but have found that olive oil works better than anything I have tried prior. On top of ingesting it, you can apply oil olive directly to the skin. Add it to your bath. Use it for chapped lips. Gentlemen, put aside the shaving cream and apply the olive oil. Shave and rinse. A teaspoon rubbed in after the rinse can ease that shaving burn as well.

5. Furniture polish - Commercial furniture polishes have a nice scent, clean well, but are pricey. As well, I am not comfortable having my little ones eat their snacks off of a coffee table that I cleaned with chemicals. Get a cheap spray bottle, add olive oil and the juice of a lemon or half an orange and polish the furniture. It smells so good, the wood is super shiny, and no chemicals to be afraid of.

6. Lice - I can't stand lice. My middle daughter had a terrible case that she got from school. She had hair below her waist, but it is baby fine. The commercial lice treatment damaged her hair so badly that it had to be cut to her chin. My poor baby was devastated. The next time her dear friend gave her lice, I soaked her hair in olive oil, covered it with a shower cap, and let it sit for 45 minutes. I then used the lice comb to remove the nits, and I didn't have to fight the comb to go through. Shampoo twice after the nits are removed. To keep the lice from coming back I just massage a small amount into her hair and scalp after her hair is shampooed and dried.

7. Paint removal - My honey found a can of green paint under the sink of the house we recently moved into. Our twins found this and their hands and arms were covered in the ugliest green paint ever. Rub the olive oil into the skin where the paint is. Let it sit for 5 minutes and then wash off with some soap and water.

8. Squeaky hinges - We have an older home. And some stiff, squeaky hinges. To fix the stiffness and squeak just rub a few drops on the hinge with a soft rag then work then hinge. It will free up and remove the squeak. Works on car hinges too.

9. Personal lubricant - Buh bye KY Jelly. Enough said...:P

10. Shoe polish - Use the furniture polish spray described above. Mist onto your shoes and buff with a soft cloth.

Olive Oil Fun Facts

Unopened olive oil can keep for 2 years if stored properly. Olive oil can be used for snoring, just take a tablespoon prior to bed, or feed it to your honey if they are the snore monster. The olive tree is a type of evergreen and can live 500+ years. An olive tree takes 5+ years to bear fruit. Olive oil is a popular ice cream flavor in many upscale restaurants.

Olive Oil - Not Just For Food

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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Bad Hair Day? The Benefits of Using a Water Softener

!±8± Bad Hair Day? The Benefits of Using a Water Softener

What is hard water?

It is the term used to describe water that has a high content of dissolved minerals, specifically calcium and magnesium.

The effects of hard water on human hair

A couple of years ago I was lucky enough to spend some time travelling, I spent nearly three months living on the West Coast of Scotland and six months in North Dorset. I have long hair and noticed a dramatic difference in the condition of my hair in each of these two beautiful locations. The soft Scottish water (which was untreated spring water) left my hair fantastically soft and shiny, whilst Dorset's water left it dull, dry and so tangled I struggled to get a brush through it at all.

The effects on hair include:

Hair feels dry and sticky Hair is frizzy and tangled Hair is resistant to colour Hair is resistant to perming Dandruff or eczema of scalp Thinning hair Discoloration or darkening of hair Hair is dull and lifeless You go to the salon and spend a fortune having your hair coloured, permed, or straightened then come home and wash it in "hard" water and either the colour will change, seem dull, or your perm will appear to "fall out".! Why does this happen?

You need water to shampoo your hair and hard water makes it more difficult. Each hair shaft is made up of little scales and hard water tends to make the scales stand up. This results in hair feeling rough and tangled, which in turn makes it more difficult to rinse the shampoo out. Soap is less effective in very hard water because it doesn't lather properly.

So what solutions are available?

There are basically two ways of dealing with the effects of hard water on your hair.

1. Use specially formulated hair products

2. Install a water conditioner.

1. Hair Products for hard water areas

Gorgeous Locks are an online company that produce hair and beauty products to combat the effects of hard water. http://www.gorgeouslocks.co.uk

If your water is very hard you can use a weak acid rinse such as vinegar or lemon juice. A simple vinegar rinse will remove mineral deposits from your hair. It's easy to make: just add half a tablespoon of white or cider vinegar to a cup of water, rainwater ideally.

2. Water Conditioners

By installing an electronic water conditioner you can dramatically reduce the effects of hard water on your hair as well as reducing other detrimental and costly effects including:

Reduce scum marks on baths, sinks and kettles Reduce limescale build up in household appliances Kinder to skin Avoid having to prematurely replace pipe-work, boilers, storage tanks, radiators, showers, washing machines, etc. due to scale build-up Reduce Heating Costs. Avoid using increasingly more fuel to drive the system as scale reduces flow.

Bad Hair Day? The Benefits of Using a Water Softener

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Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Why Bald Men Make More Money and Save the World

!±8± Why Bald Men Make More Money and Save the World

Now, before you guys with locks like Rapunzel start screaming and crying about how wonderful your hair is, please put the brush down and listen for a second. Having hair is not a bad thing, I guess, it is just time consuming and harmful to the environment.

How much time do you waste each day looking at the newest, most GQ metro sexual hairstyles? How much money, resources, and energy are lost or used while you spend time in the mirror playing with your hair? I think men do this more than women, but are more discreet about it than women are.

I am going to give you a few reasons why bald men not only save more money, but make the world a better place:

1) Bald men are environmentally friendly (so all you greenies pay attention). You can go camping without using batteries for lights. Baby oil, a bald head, and the right angle in the moonlight will light up your campsite like you would not believe. This saves trees, campfire usage, and lets Smokey the Bear sleep at night.

2) Bald men soak up most of the sun's harmful UV rays. So next time you laugh at a sun burnt head, remember that head just saved your butt. Boats, motorcycles, convertibles, jet skis, etc. all save on fuel because of the streamlined aerodynamics of a bald head. Want to save on gas prices? Get a bald man or have yours become one.

3) Draft like a race car behind a bald guy in the shopping center. We tend to move fast and drafting behind one of us will cut your shopping time in half. Plus, we do not spend 20 minutes in the haircare section looking for the latest gel or lubrication to apply to our manes. Also, we have no concept of the word "salon" and we save anywhere from -800 (depending on your political affiliation) bucks every 2 weeks by not knowing this word.

4) Bald men save on electricity and water. Men with hair (or those trying to hold on to what they have left) constantly burn up electricity and those horrible things called "light bulbs". They stand in the mirror for what seems like hours on end looking, combing, brushing, looking, parting, slicking back, looking...blow drying, brushing, looking, flexing, smiling, parting, brushing, farting, blow drying again, looking...

As this charade/pastime/paranoia/compulsiveness is going on, the electricity meter box outside is spinning faster than a quasar. All of this AFTER the 30 minute shower. Washing their hair with a pre-shampoo shampoo, then some magical regrowth or mystical re-color treatment, then shampoo with some aloe herbal with dirt mix (to make it sound manly), then some kind of fortifying conditioner crap that will keep their hair attached to their head for eternity.

Now how much water was just wasted that could have been used to save the Desert Snail from extinction!? I can guarantee that no hot water is left after they are finished with their "washing". Bald guys, heck we don't need lights. We don't need any electricity. Just about 5 minutes of water in the shower. If no shower, just a sink full of water. Eco-friendly to the extreme. If a bald guy does not run Greenpeace, then he should.

Anyway...back to saving the world...give us a bar of soap, a razor, and we are clean, smooth, and out the door in 15 minutes flat while the "other guy" is still rinsing mighty putty out of his hair. Also, how many chemicals have bald people saved from being created and used in the world? The hole in the ozone layer just got a hundred miles smaller in diameter because of the bald man's random acts of environment friendly conscienceness. Who lives in Antarctica anyway?

5) Haircare products for men. Hair "clubs" for men. Hair plugs for men. Why would anyone ever want their head plugged? Sounds like an ancient Egyptian embalming process. Wigs, toupees, etc...don't get me started on that. These are instances where bald men save money because they do not spend it on this kind of crap.

Hairstyles are weird today anyway. Most look like they are never brushed and had a sword or hedge trimmer chop at it and call it a "fresh, new" style. Whatever. Ever notice how the finest things of the world are fancy, clean, and polished? Not chopped, gangly, combed over, or slicked back? My point exactly.

6) Bald men do not get lice. Or dandruff. Or gray hair. Or sweaty hair. Or bad highlights. Or clogged drains because of hair. Or spray painted heads. No CFC's here baby. Again, more harsh chemicals not being used in the world.

7) We do not get gum stuck in or head or a bird trying to build a nest in it. Bald men save insurance premiums because they are not busy combing their hair in the rear view mirror. Our wives get more attention because our grooming habits are lessened substantially. We save marriages as well as the Earth.

8) Bald men could stop "Global Warming". Bald men could unite and reflect the rays of the sun back into space and help cool down the planet (even though it has cooled down but sounds good on paper). That .000001% could make a huge difference. Better yet, we could reflect the rays into homes across the world and keep homes at a comfortable climate, thus reducing the need for natural gas use.

One more use would be to install solar panels all over the place and have bald men reflect sunlight into the panels to create an abundance of solar energy, again reducing the need for fossil fuels and natural gas.

9) If you were stranded on an island who would you rather have? You bet. What a beacon. A bald guy could flag down any ship or plane within a 50 mile radius.

10) Bald men also make more money because they have more time to do so. Every politician, CEO, and president of any business should be bald. They would be able to spend more time making decisions on how to make their businesses/stockholders more money and save taxpayer money because they do not have to worry about their appearance so much.

Yes, I know many people who have hair are successful and rich, but how much more money could they make or save if they used my strategies above? Most have very bad hair anyway.
We need a bald president. Male or female, whatever. They just have to be bald.

Baldness can save the world. One head at a time. Forget saving a tree. Save a head from being hairy. Then the environment and the hope of the world will be preserved.

Why Bald Men Make More Money and Save the World

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Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Shampoo Bowl Sink

!±8± Shampoo Bowl Sink

Rate : | Price : $119.00 | Post Date : Sep 27, 2011 11:49:45
Usually ships in 1-2 business days

ABS Acrylic Shampoo Bowl with chrome metal handle fixture, plastic hair straining basket, spray hose, and mounting bracket.

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Saturday, September 10, 2011

Kensington Shampoo Chair from SalonSmart

!±8± Kensington Shampoo Chair from SalonSmart

Rate : | Price : | Post Date : Sep 11, 2011 00:00:28
Usually ships in 1-2 business days

This well constructed backwash/sidewash unit has SalonSmart's largest and deepest porcelain bowl. Its is a solid unit that is both comfortable and generously proportioned. Specifications: ? Dimensions: 48" L x 35" H x 25.25" W ? Inner-Arm to Inner-Arm: 20.5" *All dimensions are approximate

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Wednesday, August 31, 2011

New Beauty Salon Shampoo ABS Plastic Bowl Sink Hair Cut Shampoo

!±8± New Beauty Salon Shampoo ABS Plastic Bowl Sink Hair Cut Shampoo

Brand : Sky Enterprise USA | Rate : | Price : $79.95
Post Date : Aug 31, 2011 21:25:39 | Usually ships in 1-2 business days

Best Choice Products Presents to you the Brand New Commercial BEAUTY SALON SHAMPOO ACRYLIC FIBER SINK/BOWL. Our Shampoo Sink designed especially for Beauty Salons, Spas or Barbershops. This black-coated gloss finish sink is extremely durable and lightweight, also very stylish, easy to clean and comes with all accessories and fixtures. We purchase all of our products directly from the manufacture, providing the best prices. Buy from us and save big!!


  • Light Weight, Durable ABS Plastic Shampoo Bowl
  • Black Coated Gloss Finish Acrylic Fiber Reinforced.
  • Bowl Designed to be Wider and Deeper Which Provides More Work Area.
  • Made of Injection Molded Plastic, Tougher, Stronger and Eliminates Stains and Fading.
  • Wall Mount Bracket for Easy Installing on Wall, shampoo Bulkhead or Wet Station.
  • Dimensions: 19.5 (L) x 21.75 (W) x 10-1/8(H).


  • (1) Black Shampoo Sink.
  • (1)Spray Hose.
  • (1) Faucet Handle.
  • (1) Hanging Bracket.

  • More Specification..!!

    New Beauty Salon Shampoo ABS Plastic Bowl Sink Hair Cut Shampoo

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    Friday, August 26, 2011

    5 Essential Hair Salon Supplies you need

    !±8± 5 Essential Hair Salon Supplies you need

    If you start a hair salon are also, of course, you need some basic supplies. Unfortunately, hair salon supplies are not cheap, but without them, you have no business. These are the nuts and bolts of daily operations, so that when customers come in and get ready for them.

    The list of supplies should hairdresser, if you are in the final phase of the plan. Get the list ready ahead of time, then look for a wholesaler who offers you the bestdeal.

    In this article we will provide a look at some of the key you need. And while some of this is pretty obvious, you must ensure that all about, so that you do not see anything written.

    Processors Hair / Hair Steamer

    This device is especially needed for the massage head. They provide moisture to the head and hair. They are used after some deep conditioning hair was, or has some use of hairPaint or stain.

    This steam can be set at different temperatures for a certain period. The variety of steam hair is huge, there are various models and makes available. And 'better with something that fits your budget.

    Shampoo Bowls

    It is a sink that is practical, while hair conditioners. If the hair color or condition, to wash it, is likely to cause a lot of debris. The shampoo bowl helps to get rid of that extra stuff. All you have to do isThe client sits with his / her back into the bowl. After the shampoo bowl are in this position, you can use the procedure without fear even further, start the show dirt.

    Actually, shampoo bowls are very useful because they sell a pump and an exhaust system will be attached to them. The pump can pass off helps to decrease or increase the height of the bowl and the drainage system in the dehydration of the residue.

    Combs, brushes

    The right hair dressing combs and hair brushescan make or break your show. There are many types of brushes and combs available. Some of these are the end of the comb, comb off, brush, round brush and place. Make sure you have something for every hair type, which may occur.

    Hair Trimmers and scissors

    Another obvious, right? Hair scissors, hair clippers, hair clippers and blades are elements. But, as combs and brushes, there are many types available. Make a list of what you need. And consult yourDesigners to see what kind they like best.

    Hair styling tools

    These include the general types of tools such as hair rollers, diffusers, hair dryer and plates. Put everything on paper, so if you see something not so accidentally. It would be rather embarrassing if you do your hair when your first customer, is suddenly notice you forgot to order the curlers.

    Remember, hair styles change with time so it is very important to keep up with the datelast hairdressing supplies are available.

    5 Essential Hair Salon Supplies you need

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